Starting a business can be a nervy time for an entrepreneur, particularly if it’s a first attempt. You have several decisions to make before you even open your doors, and you may struggle with second guessing yourself. Fortunately, you aren’t the first person to start a business, and there are dozens of professionals who make it their job to help entrepreneurs find success.

As such, we’ve asked several business coaches a single question:

“What practices help someone be successful at starting a business?”

Harness Your Confidence
“To be successful at starting a business, they must harness their confidence, walk with the conviction of knowing who they are, and put that energy into three key areas of building their business:
1. Knowing their niche and what they specialize in
2. Understanding who their ideal client is and what that client needs
3. Having clarity about what their signature offer is.
When a person knows how to operate their business from these strengths and understands the most important foundational steps of business building, success becomes limitless.”
Rachel Feldman, Business Coach

Do You Have Clarity?
“When starting out, one word is helpful—clarity—clarity of what it is you are offering (product/service), clarity of who your ideal customer is (market research), clarity of pricing (competitive research), and clarity on how you’re going to reach your customer base.”
Guy Whitcroft, Coach/Consultant | Business Fitness

Create Your Future
“The best way to predict your future is to create it. Begin with the end in mind. See your business as if it was already a successful business, then work backwards to match the vision.”
Mary E. Turner, RN, Certified EMyth Business Coach, Board Certified Nurse Coach | Coach RN

The Power of the Pen
“One practice that will help you is to display “The Power of the Pen” by “Documenting With Discipline.” What that means is that by consistently writing down your tasks and crossing them off as you go, you are developing a pattern of accomplishment every day.”
Corey Dissin, Marketing & Business Coach

Have The Vision
“You need to know what problem you’re solving, who your target market is, and what makes your business unique. Without a clear vision, you’ll find it hard to make any progress and your business will likely falter.”
Sharon Lee, CPLC, CBC, NLP | Fearless Pursuits, LLC

Know Your “Why”
“What is the reason for the existence of your business?
Clearly define and communicate the mission of your business.

What are the values you want to install?
Define the value of your business.

Why are you starting this business?
Know your ‘why’.”
Leon Kammer, Confidence Coach | Leon Kammer Coaching

Build On Trust
“Build on trust, honesty, and integrity by sticking to clear principles you can lean on. Trust precedes sustainable success in everything you do.”
Jussi Luukkonen, Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, and Author

Know What Lights You Up
“Notice what work lights you up. That’s the work you were built to do! Then, create a business that enables you to DO that work.”
Sue Elliott, Founder | My Angel Coach

Know Your True Purpose
“In starting a business, a person first needs a strong sense of their own personal “Purpose” and their “Why”. The reason this is important is that most businesses that do not succeed fail due to a lack of true purpose and not knowing what will keep them grinding through the tough times.”
Patrick Cummings, entrepreneur, business coach, wealth management advisor, and published author | PNP Strategies

Separate Core Functions by “Seats”
“When starting a business, it’s ideal to build out all the core functions of the business into “seats” or roles. When starting out, you as a business owner are going to sit in probably most, if not all, the seats. As you’re able to add resources and more people, you slowly pull yourself out of those seats, one by one, so that you’re able to elevate into your ideal function within the business.”
Patrick Metzger, CEO/Founder & Coach/Advisor | The Greenhouse

Focus on Team Building
“Build a strong team. No one can start a business on their own. You’ll need to build a group of talented people who share your vision and can help you achieve your goals.”
Alan Wozniak, Founder | Business Health Matters

We’d love to add your expert opinion here too! Please reach out to us with your answer to this question:

“What practices help someone be successful at starting a business?”

Contact us today with your answer to this question!

It’s no secret that debts can be debilitating. If you’re struggling with debt, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a 2019 study by Northwestern Mutual, the average American has $38,000 in personal debt (excluding mortgage debt). That’s a lot of debt! And it can feel like an impossible hole to climb out of. But the good news is, you can free yourself from the chains of debt—it just takes time, patience, and determination. 

First and foremost, you need to come up with a budget. Track your income and expenses for at least one month so that you have a clear picture of where your money is going. Once you have a good understanding of your spending habits, you can make adjustments to ensure that your spending aligns with your goals and values. For example, if you want to become debt-free within two years, you’ll need to cut back on unnecessary expenses and put more money towards paying off your debts each month. 

Secondly, you need to create a debt repayment plan. This will involve prioritizing your debts from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate and making the minimum payments on all of your debts except for the one with the highest interest rate. Once that debt is paid off, you’ll move on to the next one on the list and so forth until all of your debts are repaid in full. 

Last but not least, stay motivated! The road to becoming debt-free can be long and arduous, but it’s important to remember why you’re doing it. Write down your goals and look at them every day to remind yourself of what you’re working towards. Debt freedom is possible—you just have to stay focused and committed. 

By following these three steps—creating a budget, creating a repayment plan, and staying motivated—you can achieve your goal of becoming debt-free once and for all. So don’t give up—keep fighting the good fight! Your future self will thank you later.

Tired of being a slave to your money? You deserve financial freedom and we’ll show you how to get it!

We all want financial security. We want to know that our hard-earned money is going to be there for us when we need it. But for so many of us, money is a constant source of stress and anxiety. We’re never quite sure if we’re doing the right thing with our money or if we’re going to have enough to cover our expenses. If this sounds familiar, then it’s time to take control of your finances and reclaim your life. Financial freedom is within reach—you just have to know how to get there. 


Evaluate Your Expenses 

The first step to achieving financial freedom is getting rid of any unnecessary expenses. Take a close look at your spending habits and see where you can cut back. Do you really need that daily coffee? Or those new clothes that you always seem to be buying? Evaluating your expenses will help you free up some extra cash that you can put towards debt or savings. 


Make a Budget—and Stick To It! 

Once you’ve identified where you can cut back on your spending, it’s time to create a budget. Determine how much money you need for essential expenses like housing, food, and transportation. Then, factor in any debts that you need to pay off. Finally, allocate some money for things like entertainment and emergencies. Once you have a budget in place, make a conscious effort to stick to it. This may require some lifestyle changes, but it will be worth it in the long run. 


Invest in Your Future 

One of the best ways to achieve financial freedom is by investing in your future. This can mean different things for different people, but some common options include saving for retirement, buying a home, or investing in stocks or mutual funds. Talk to a financial advisor about what options make the most sense for you and then start making regular contributions. These investments will pay off down the road and help you achieve the financial security that you desire. 

Financial freedom is within reach—you just have to know how to get there. By evaluating your expenses, creating a budget, and investing in your future, you can take control of your finances and reclaim your life. These steps may not be easy, but they are definitely worth it. So what are you waiting for? Start taking action today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being financially secure!

Making your first million dollars is no easy feat. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and luck. However, if you play your cards right, it is possible to achieve this milestone. Here are a few realistic tips on how to make your first million dollars:

Invest in yourself

Before you can start making money, you need to invest in yourself. This means getting an education and gaining the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in your chosen field. The more you know, the better your chances of making a lot of money.



The first step to making your first million dollars is saving as much money as possible. This may seem like an obvious tip, but you’d be surprised how many people spend needlessly and make poor financial decisions that put them at a disadvantage. To save effectively, you need to have a budget and stick to it. Track your spending and find ways to cut back where you can. Additionally, make sure to invest in yourself by setting aside money for retirement and Emergencies. By investing in yourself, you’ll be more likely to have the financial stability required to make your first million dollars.


Stay focused and persistent

Making a lot of money requires focus and persistence. There will be many distractions along the way, but if you stay focused on your goals, you’ll eventually achieve them. 


Believe in yourself. 

Making a lot of money requires self-belief .You have t6o truly believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Once you have this belief ,you will have the power to achieve anything . So set your sights high and go after your biggest dreams . 


Making Smart Investments 

Another way to make your first million dollars is by making smart investments. This could include investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, or other options. Doing your research before making any investments is crucial so that you don’t lose any money unnecessarily. It’s also important to have a diversified portfolio so that you can minimize risk and maximize returns. 


Generating Multiple Sources of Income 

A third way to make your first million dollars is by generating multiple sources of income. This could come from a side hustle, rental properties, dividend stocks, or other options. Having multiple streams of income will help you reach your goal faster as you’ll have more money coming in each month. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have some form of passive income so that you can continue earning money even if you decide to retire from your primary job.

Making your first million dollars is no easy feat but it is possible if you play your cards right. The most important things are saving as much money as possible, making smart investments, and generating multiple sources of income. By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of achieving this milestone and becoming a millionaire!

For many of us, the start of a new year is a time to reflect on the past twelve months and set goals for the year ahead. If you’re like most people, one of your goals for 2022 is probably to save more money. And if you’re looking for ways to grow your savings, investing is a great option.

But if you’ve never invested before, the whole process can seem daunting. Where do you start? What are the risks? How do you know if you’re making a wise investment?

Never fear! In this post, we’ll answer all of your questions and give you a crash course in smart investing. By the end, you’ll be ready to start growing your money in 2023. So let’s get started! 


What is Investing? 

Investing is the act of allocating resources—usually money—with the goal of achieving a future goal. When you invest in stocks, for example, you’re buying shares of ownership in a company that will hopefully increase in value over time. If you invest in a bond, you’re lending money to a government or corporation and earning interest on that loan. 

There are many different types of investments, and each has its own advantages and risks. The key is to find an investment that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. 


Why Should I Invest? 

There are three main reasons why people invest: to grow their wealth, to generate income, or to preserve their capital. 

If your goal is to grow your wealth, investing is one of the best ways to do it. Over time, investments tend to go up in value as businesses and economies grow. This is why so many people invest in stocks: because they offer the potential for large returns over time. Of course, there’s no guarantee that any investment will make money, but over the long term, investments have a good track record of increasing in value. 

If your goal is to generate income, investing can also help. Many investments—such as bonds and dividend-paying stocks—provide regular payments that can help supplement your salary or provide cash flow during retirement. 

And finally, if your goal is to preserve your capital—meaning you don’t want to lose any money—investing can help with that as well. While there’s always some risk involved with investing, there are also some relatively safe investments (like government bonds) that can help you protect your money from inflation or market downturns. 


How Do I Get Started? 

The best way to get started is to begin with some basic research. Start by reading books or articles about investing and talking to people who have experience with investing. Once you have a basic understanding of how it works, open up an account with an online broker (again, we’ve listed some good options below) and begin buying and selling securities. Of course, don’t forget to consult with a financial advisor if you have any questions along the way!  

We hope this blog post has answered some of your questions about investing and given you the motivation to start growing your wealth this year or in 2023! 

Remember: there’s no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to investing; everyone has to start somewhere. So do some research, talk to some experts, and before you know it, you’ll be an expert yourself!

No matter what you’re investing in – stocks, real estate, or even your own personal growth – there are four distinct stages you will go through. And just like any good investment, if you can weather the storm of the early stages, you stand to see some serious returns down the line. So what are these four stages? Keep reading to find out.

The first stage is love. This is when everything is new and shiny and you can’t get enough. You’re excited about all the potential and you can’t wait to see what the future holds. Everything is perfect and nothing can bring you down. Unfortunately, this stage doesn’t last forever. 

Soon enough, you’ll move into the pain stage. This is when things start to get tough and you realize that achieving your goals is going to require a lot more work than you initially thought. You’ll mess up, make mistakes, and want to give up on your dream entirely. But if you can push through this low point, you’ll come out stronger on the other side. 

The third stage is relationships. This is when things start getting really good and you begin seeing significant returns on your investment. At this point, you’ll have built up a solid support system of family, friends, and mentors who believe in you and are rooting for your success. These positive relationships will help carry you through tough times and amplify your wins. 

Finally, we come to growth. This is the culmination of all your hard work and determination paying off. You’ve made it through the gauntlet and come out stronger on the other side. Now it’s time to reap the rewards of your labor and enjoy the fruits of your labor! 

Investment isn’t easy – there will be times where you want to give up entirely. But if you can push through those tough times, the rewards will be more than worth it in the end. So whatever it is you’re investing in – whether it’s stocks or real estate or intimate serious relationships or even your own personal growth – remember that there are four distinct stages involved: love, pain, relationships, growth. And as long as you keep moving forward despite the hardships, eventually you’ll reach that final stage of success.

Everyone expresses and experiences love differently. Some people need quality time together to feel loved, others need thoughtful gifts, and still others need physical touch. The ways we give and receive love are called “love languages.” And while you might think you know your partner’s love language, you might be surprised to learn that you don’t. In fact, many couples go through life without ever truly understanding how their partner likes to receive love. But there are ways to discover your partner’s love language without asking them directly. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Pay attention to the way they express love to you. 

If your partner is always putting their arm around you or holding your hand, it’s likely that physical touch is their primary love language. If they frequently leave little notes for you or surprise you with surprises, then gifts are probably their thing. And if they want to spend every waking minute with you or are always finding little ways to help you out, then chances are their love language is quality time. By paying attention to the way your partner expresses love to you, you can get a pretty good idea of what their own love language might be.


2. Consider the things they complain about the most. 

We all have different pet peeves, and when we feel like our partner isn’t meeting our needs in a particular area, it can be frustrating. So if your partner is always complaining about how you never spend any time together, it’s likely that quality time is their primary love language. If they’re always griping about how you never buy them anything, then gifts are probably their thing. And if they’re forever nagging you about not being affectionate enough, then it’s likely that physical touch is their main form of expressing love.


3. Think about the things they do that make you feel most loved. 

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If there’s something your partner does that always makes you feel loved and cherished, chances are it ties into their own primary love language. So if having long conversations deep into the night makes you feel loved and appreciated, then quality time is probably their thing. If receiving heartfelt gifts on special occasions fills you up with warmth and happiness, then gifts are likely their primary form of expressing love. And if being hugged and kissed often makes you feel loved and desired, then it’s probable that physical touch is their main way of showing affection.

Understanding your partner’s love language can be incredibly helpful in sustaining a happy and healthy relationship for the long haul. It can also help prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings down the road.

Your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about yourself—including what kind of lifestyle you should be leading. Certain signs are more compatible with certain lifestyles than others. For example, an adventurous Aries might find that a settled, routine lifestyle doesn’t suit them, while a homebody Cancer might prefer a slower-paced life. Keep reading to find out which lifestyle is right for you, based on your zodiac sign.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries are natural-born leaders who enjoy being in charge and being active. They like to be on the go and are always up for a challenge. An Aries’ ideal lifestyle would allow them to travel frequently, try new things, and have plenty of opportunities for physical activity. They would also prefer to work for themselves rather than someone else.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus are patient, reliable, and practical. They like stability and routine and generally prefer to stick to familiar places and people. A Taurus’ ideal lifestyle would include a comfortable home, relaxed pace, and plenty of time spent with loved ones. They would also prefer a steady job with good benefits over one that pays less but is more stimulating.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis are adaptable, charming, and intelligent. They like variety and change and enjoy being around other people. A Gemini’s ideal lifestyle would involve lots of social interaction, frequent travel, and plenty of opportunities to learn new things. They might also prefer to have multiple jobs or income streams rather than just one.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

Cancers are loyal, emotional, and nurturing. They enjoy being at home and surrounded by familiar faces. A Cancer’s ideal lifestyle would be a slow-paced one where they can relax in their own space and spend time with loved ones. They might also prefer to work from home or have a job that allows them flexibility in their schedule.


Leo (July 23 – August 22) 

Leos are confident, ambitious, and creative. They enjoy being in the spotlight and thrive when they’re working towards a goal. A Leo’s ideal lifestyle would allow them to pursue their passions and put their creativity to use. They might also prefer to work for themselves or have a job that provides plenty of challenges.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 

Virgos are detail-oriented, hardworking, and analytical. They like everything to be in its place and generally prefer order over chaos. A Virgo’s ideal lifestyle would involve lots of structure and routine, as well as opportunities to help others using their skillset. They might also prefer a traditional office setting over working from home or in a more relaxed environment..  

No matter what your zodiac sign is, there’s sure to be a lifestyle out there that’s perfect for you. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses—as well as what you need to feel fulfilled—you can make sure that you’re living the life you were meant to live. So why not take some time to reflect on your sign’s characteristics? It just might give you some insights into the life you should be leading—and how to get there! If you can’t find your zodiac sign on this post, you can check them here!

Making a big life change can be scary, whether you’re quitting your 9-to-5 to start your own business or simply trying to live a healthier lifestyle. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up before you even get started. That’s why it’s important to take things slowly and gradually adjust to the lifestyle you want. Here are three tips to help you do just that. 

1. Set small, achievable goals.

The first step is to set small, achievable goals that you can reasonably accomplish in the short-term. These could be things like working out three times a week or cooking dinner at home four nights a week. The key is to not bite off more than you can chew; you don’t want to set yourself up for failure from the start. 


2. Make gradual changes.

Once you have your goals in mind, take things slowly and make gradual changes. For example, if your goal is to work out three times a week, don’t go from zero days to three days overnight. Start by working out once a week and gradually increase frequency as you get more comfortable with it. The same goes for diet changes; don’t completely give up all of the foods you love cold turkey (you’ll just end up feeling deprived and miserable). Instead, focus on gradually increasing the amount of healthy foods you’re eating while decreasing the amount of unhealthy foods. 


3. Find a support system.

Making any major life change is easier with a supportive network behind you. Whether it’s joining a gym or health club, signing up for a cooking class, or simply asking a friend or family member to hold you accountable, having people in your corner will make it that much easier to stick with your new lifestyle. 

That’s why it’s important to take things slowly and gradually adjust to the lifestyle you want. By following these three tips—setting small, achievable goals; making gradual changes; and finding a supportive network—you can make adjusting to your new lifestyle as easy and painless as possible.

We live in a health-conscious society. Everywhere we turn, we’re bombarded with messages about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, there is such a thing as being “too healthy.” In fact, being too health-conscious can actually be dangerous. Here’s why:


You Miss Out on Important Nutrients

When you’re obsessed with eating healthy all the time, you run the risk of missing out on important nutrients. For example, if you’re someone who only eats “clean” foods, you may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals. Why? Because some of the best sources of vitamins and minerals are actually unhealthy foods! Take tomatoes, for instance. They’re packed with lycopene, an important antioxidant that’s good for your heart. But tomatoes are also high in sugar. So if you’re avoiding all sugar, you’re also avoiding lycopene. 


You deprive yourself of enjoyment

Let’s face it: healthy food isn’t always the tastiest food. Sure, there are some exceptions to the rule (avocados come to mind), but generally speaking, healthy food just doesn’t taste as good as unhealthy food. And that’s not a bad thing! Part of the reason why unhealthy food tastes so good is because it’s loaded with fat, salt, and sugar—all things that our bodies crave. When you eat healthy all the time, you deny yourself the pleasure of indulging in those cravings. As a result, you may find yourself feeling deprived and unsatisfied. 

You put unnecessary stress on your body 

Constantly worrying about what you’re eating takes a toll on your mental and physical health. Studies have shown that people who are constantly dieting are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. They’re also more likely to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. So if you’re someone who’s always stressing about eating the “right” things, it might be time to reconsider your approach to health and nutrition.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy. But it’s important to remember that there is such a thing as being too healthy. When you get too caught up in eating clean and being perfect all the time, you miss out on important nutrients, enjoyment, and even put unnecessary stress on your body. So instead of worrying about being perfect, focus on enjoying your food and living a balanced life. Your body—and your sanity—will thank you for it!